Colorobbia Italia SPA
The Colorobbia Group’s registered office, corporate headquarters and operations office is located in Italy. In addition to the study, production and commercialisation of materials for the ceramics industry, Colorobbia Italia also offers tile design and development services: from the prototypes developed in the lab to their industrialisation in client facilities.
Thanks to its specialised sales network, Colorobbia Italia enjoys ongoing communication with its clients, transforming the supply relationship into a genuine partnership, able to create added value for both parties.
Intensely aware of the social sphere and territorial impact of its operations, Colorobbia Italia is committed to ensuring the ethical and sustainable nature of its industrial and commercial activities and client relations.
Headquarter, Registered Office and Productive Plant
Via Pietramarina, 53
50053 Sovigliana Vinci (Firenze)
Phone: +39 0571 7091
Fax: +39 0571 709802 / 4 – 709853
Commercial Office and Customer Service
Via Bucciardi, 35
Productive Plant
Via Cameazzo, 45
41042 Fiorano Modenese (Modena)
Tel: +39 0536 9155
Fax: +39 0536 831650 – 910626
Via del Lavoro 65,
50056 Montelupo Fiorentino (Firenze)
Phone: +39 0571 7081
Colorobbia Italia: solutions
The Colorobbia Group operates worldwide and specialises in the study, production and distribution of raw materials and semi-finished products for the ceramics and glass industry.
Reliability, soundness, service and quality are Colorobbia’s most distinctive traits. The aim is to keep satisfying every single client, regardless of where they are.
Research & Development
Colorobbia Italia boasts laboratories equipped with the most technologically advanced tools for basic and applied research, as well as laboratories dedicated to assisting clients in the design and industrialisation of their product. Moreover, Colorobbia Italia has a specialised research centre, Ce.ri.Col, featuring one of the most advanced laboratories in the new materials sector.
Colorobbia Italia has always succeeded in interpreting Italian style and good taste, articulating it into projects for the production of ceramic tiles to propose to its clients, in line with current trends. The Colorobbia Italia graphics team carefully analyses every project, aiming to develop solutions with high visual appeal, yet suited for simple and immediate industrial use. The latest Italian projects are on display and regularly updated in its showroom located in Fiorano Modenese, thus ensuring clients have access to the latest and most innovative design proposals.
Technical assistance
The high level of technical assistance provided by Colorobbia Italia is guaranteed by a team of technicians that works in the Italian ceramics district, who are in continuous contact with researchers and technicians responsible for providing assistance to foreign markets. This allows us to support ceramics companies in the development and industrialisation of new products, but also in the resolution of technical problems in general.
Sales assistance
Colorobbia Italia has sought and achieved distinct market positioning able to guarantee a competitive advantage over time, adopting a strategy based on the creation and continuation of solid client relations. This approach has allowed the construction and enrichment over time of a valuable heritage of client relations. The company’s technical assistance service is constantly evolving and to date constitutes the distinctive trait and greatest competitive advantage of Colorobbia Italia.
Chemical analysis
The Colorobbia Italia test laboratory was created following the need to analyse the raw materials used in production processes and to control production itself, as well as various associated problems, in order to guarantee the high quality of the products sold. Thanks to extensive experience in the field of testing and a broad range of technologically advanced tools, the lab is able to provide consultancy services in various fields of industrial production.
Nuestros laboratorios están dotados con los equipos más avanzados para el análisis de materias primas, producto final y procesos. Estos equipos son verificados y calibrados garantizando su exacto funcionamiento. Las técnicas modernas de análisis y la alta cualificación y experiencia de nuestros técnicos, son garantía del excelente trabajo que realizan.
Analisi ambientale
Nuestro compromiso con el entorno queda reflejado en la continua búsqueda y aplicación de la mejor tecnología disponible para la formulación de nuestros productos y optimización de procesos. Nuestra responsabilidad medioambiental se refleja en el continuo respeto por nuestro entorno natural basado en un desarrollo económico y ecológico sostenible.
El sistemas de Gestión de Calidad implementado representa durante años un factor clave de Excelencia y Mejora Continua en la Gestión. Como Operador Económico Autorizado, estamos acreditados en seguridad y buenas prácticas en la cadena de suministro internacional. Prueba de confiabilidad, Excelencia y Garantía de Seguridad en la cadena de suministro.
Efficienza energetica
Nuestro departamento de Ingeniería lleva a cabo proyectos de mejora tecnológica enfocados en aumentar la eficacia mediante el diseño de procesos que minimicen el consumo energético, el aumento de la producción, parametrización y optimización de todos los recursos, siendo nuestro objetivo la eficiencia en la gestión asegurando así la competitividad.
Documents - Colorobbia Italia
All Colorobbia affiliates
The Group’s headquarters are based in central Italy in Vinci (Florence), but an internationalisation project has been under way since 1921. Discover all Colorobbia affiliates >