In 2008, the Bitossi family established the Vittoriano Bitossi Foundation for Ceramic Art and the Chemical Industry. The Foundation is housed in the historical “Maioliche Artistiche Guido Bitossi” manufacturing facility, founded by Guido Bitossi in 1921 in Montelupo Fiorentino.

An historical memory

In order to preserve, valorise and protect the historical memory of the company, an archive was created with tools, documents and ceramic objects produced by the manufacturing company from 1921 onwards. These items comprise the Bitossi Industrial Archive.

A wealth of available heritage

The Archive assigns research projects for the sorting and classification of all new materials, whether purchased, donated or part of the new Bitossi Ceramiche productions. The heritage is made available for the installation of exhibitions according to the methods envisaged by specific lending regulations.

Visit the MAIB

The MAIB, Museo Artistico Industriale Bitossi, was later established, a company museum that displays 20th century artistic ceramic production. Currently split into two different halls within the historical building dating back to 1929, which is also the manufacturing company’s first headquarters, the MAIB is a member of Museimpresa and organises temporary themed exhibitions on Bitossi production, in particular from 1950 onwards. It also hosts exhibitions by architects and designers that have collaborated with the company, as well as by other ceramic manufacturers and artists.
The MAIB is accessible by appointment, free of charge.